
Why Now Might Be a Good Time to Get Rhinoplasty


Always disliked your nose? You aren’t alone. The nose is in such a prominent part of the face that, if you don’t like yours, it can be hard to overlook. That’s why rhinoplasty is perhaps one of the most popular cosmetic procedures and one that’s often requested by people of all sorts of ages. Here are some reasons why this year may be a good time to consider rhinoplasty and how it can work for you.

A nose job can make a big difference

While you need to be realistic about the results of cosmetic surgery, in general, getting your nose reduced or straightened can make a big difference to your face. People want to get cosmetic surgery that makes an impact, and in general, this is one of the most noticeable procedures that you’ll be proud to show off.

Rhinoplasty can look very natural

Some people are worried about having cosmetic procedures, as they imagine the end result will leave them looking like they’ve had work done. But rest assured, you can get natural nose surgery (called เสริมจมูกธรรมชาติ in Thai) that fits your face. Just make sure you go to a reputable surgeon and get lots of recommendations before you make a commitment.

Nose jobs can be done for a number of reasons

There are several reasons why you might need rhinoplasty:

  • To correct a birth defect
  • To help with breathing – i.e. because of a deviated septum
  • For cosmetic reasons
  • To straighten your nose after an accident or injury

Nose jobs aren’t just done because people dislike the look of their nose, there can be many reasons why you might want this surgery, so there’s no reason to feel like there’s a stigma attached.

It might not cost as much as you think

While cosmetic surgery may sound like an expensive option, nowadays, the price isn’t as much as you might think. Most surgeons offer a free initial consultation, so you can find out what the cost would be for your specific procedure, and you can then decide whether it’s right for you.

Thinking of getting your nose done? Your best bet is to find a surgeon near you and visit them for an initial consultation. You can then find out more about the method they use to do the procedure and how much it’ll cost you. Not all procedures are alike, so it’s a good idea to speak to a professional before you make your decision.





Hailen Kazz
the authorHailen Kazz