
The Advantages and Disadvantages of a Doctor’s Telemedicine Consultation


Anyone who has spent too much time waiting for a doctor in a packed waiting room will appreciate the advantages of an early and much-missed feature of our healthcare system: the modest house call. A house call Help Care would also be excellent if you’ve ever been so sick that you’d rather have a doctor visit you at home than spend even a minute in a waiting room with other coughing people. It keeps you from infecting others in public while also conserving your strength.

However, there are currently too many people working and not enough medical professionals in the line to allow us all to benefit from house calls, it is yet to be fully realised by people that house calls will actually help them like going to the physical clinic for a check up.

Computer scientists are focusing their expertise on developing robust telemedicine systems to fulfill the need for more convenient healthcare delivery while realizing that in-person house calls are a luxury the system cannot afford.

Consultations in the Beginning

One advantage of adopting telemedicine for a first consultation is that the patient can speak with a doctor right away, regardless of their location. One disadvantage is that the doctor is unable to touch the patient or take readings. We should expect telemedicine to be utilized more to diagnose a case of the flu or conduct a mental health examination in the early phases of universal telemedicine adoption.


If your doctor’s office visit consists of him or her listening to how much it hurts or doesn’t hurt, or checking to see if a rash has gone away, you may not need to go. This is a significant benefit of telemedicine. A disadvantage is that the patient may have other alterations that may only be detected through direct examination.

However, telemedicine is clearly ideal if a patient is checking in to see if another week of antibiotics is required, which can be decided by a series of questions.


Telemedicine can be used to diagnose patients, however because there are so many specialties, not all diagnosis can be performed without touching the patient or ordering labs on the spot. Telemedicine, on the other hand, has a clear advantage when a patient’s description and a visual inspection through camera will suffice.

The patient will not be required to leave the nursing home in order to receive basic monitoring. Furthermore, data acquired continuously through telemedicine, rather than in periodic data dumps during actual office visits, will be more numerous.


We’re a long way from providing genuine treatment via telemedicine, but it’s a possibility worth considering. Useful source for having effective treatment. When we can connect equipment and robotics to the system, we will be able to provide remote treatment.

Years of quality control and testing will be required to ensure that a doctor can give any treatment, from an injection to the application of a cast or the performance of any procedure.

We’ve come a long way from the days when doctors would make house calls on horseback or on foot, carrying their black medical bag, pediatric telemedicine is one of the more intriguing discoveries of the modern computerized age, with the potential of routine telemedicine and a reduction in the number of times patients must actually come into the office for diagnosis, follow-ups, and even some form of rudimentary treatment.

Hailen Kazz
the authorHailen Kazz